

教員公募 Faculty Position Vacancy






提出先: 〒305-8573 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1
     筑波大学 国際総合学類長 宛
     国際総合学類長 E-mail: info#@#kokusai.tsukuba.ac.jp(#を削除)


  • 郵送で応募する場合、封筒の表に「人間の安全保障、多文化共生政策教員応募」と朱書きし、書留等にしてください。
  • 電子メールで応募する場合、件名は「人間の安全保障、多文化共生政策教員応募」としてください。
  • 提出書類は原則として返却しません。返却希望の場合、送付先を明記した返信用付封筒に切手を貼付して同封してください。


  • 国際総合学類長 E-mail: info#@#kokusai.tsukuba.ac.jp(#を削除してください)

Master’s and Doctoral Programs in International and Advanced Japanese Studies, Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, and the College of International Studies, School of Social and International Studies at the University of Tsukuba are inviting applicants for the faculty position of Assistant Professor (tenure track) in the field of Human Security, Multicultural Coexistence Policy.

We would like to ask you to inform all the people and organizations concerned about this matter. Please refer to the PDF file for detailed application guidelines. Thank you.

Offer (Human Security, Multicultural Coexistence Policy) English ver.pdf

Deadline for Applications: September 3, 2021 (Friday) (Japan time)

Address to submit the application documents:

Dean of College of International Studies, University of Tsukuba

1-1-1 Ten’nodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan

E-mail: info#@#kokusai.tsukuba.ac.jp (delete the hash tags)

[Note for Application]

  • Write in red “Position of Human Security, Multicultural Coexistence Policy” on the package, and send it by registered post.
  • The title of the e-mail should be “Position of Human Security, Multicultural Coexistence Policy.”
  • Submitted materials will not be returned unless a self-addressed self-stamped envelope is enclosed
    with your application materials.

[Contact for Further Information]

Dean of College of International Studies, University of Tsukuba

E-mail: info#@#kokusai.tsukuba.ac.jp (delete the hash tags)