This site website promotes open debate through the publications of the results of leading research in cross-national and academic perspectives in the area of Japanese studies (encompassing politics, economics, media, culture, society, language, fine arts, and literature).

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Master’s and Doctoral Program in International and Advanced Japanese Studies\

Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Tsukuba

1-1-1 Tennoudai Tsukuba Ibaraki 305-8571 Japan
Tel: 81-29-853-4037
Fax: 81-29-853-4038
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Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies

Master's and Doctoral Program in International and Advanced Japanese Studies
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba
筑波大学大学院 人文社会科学研究科国際日本研究学位プログラム

© 2012 Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies, University of Tsukuba